Send a NHS Lothian GREATix (don't just Datix!)

NHS Lothian GREATix

When people do awesome things, let them know about it! Fill in this form and we will send them a congratulations email telling them that they are awesome. Remember, no identifiable information please! Thanks to #EM3 for the idea.

Please Note: This Greatix form is exclusively for use within the NHS Lothian Board.
Any submissions that fall outside the NHS Lothian Board will not be sent out.

Who has been GREAT?

If you intend to recognise multiple people. Submit one form for each person
Please ensure that the email provided is accurate and for the right individual before submitting this form
Max: 300 characters
Max: 500 characters

Who are you?

Your Name is required to submit this form!
Besides, it's always better when people know who thinks they're awesome!
If you provide an email we will then let you know when we have sent out the Greatix

Thanks for taking the time to tell somebody that they are awesome! It makes such a difference.