Peer Mentoring Training

We provide introductory training for mentors and mentees to help you in your mentoring journey. We also provide developmental supervision sessions for mentors as we recognise mentoring requires a skill-set that can be developed and strengthened.

We would encourage you to read the NHS Lothian Guide for Effective Mentoring before engaging in either our live webinars or online training.

Upcoming Peer Mentoring Training Sessions:

Introductory Sessions:

We hold live webinar training sessions on a regular basis throughout the year.
The next introductory session dates will be available soon but you could watch our videos instead!

Certification of attendance at introductory sessions will be available on completion of the Evaluation Form.

Drop in Sessions

Sessions are held every two months at 11.00 on the 2nd Friday of the month on Teams. These sessions are to meet with our mentoring community and discuss both things going well and challenges.
The next session will be held on Friday 10th May At 11:00, Friday 12th July at 11:00, Friday 13th September at 11:00

All sessions are hosted on the MSTeam - Join via

Mentor Summer CPD Event Hosted on MS Teams
13th June at 13:30 -

Any issues please contact us at


Introductory training

Option 1: Live webinars

We host regular live training webinars via Microsoft Teams for mentors and mentees. We would encourage you to try and join these as your 'first line' option for training, as you will have the opportunity to meet members of the peer mentoring support team who can answer any questions you may have during the training. Join our Teams channel through the link at the bottom of the page, where we post dates of upcoming webinars.

Option 2: Online training

For those who cannot attend the live dates, we have recorded a series of online training videos which can be accessed below (you must log-in to the MED website to access this content).

Please complete the feedback form to receive your training certificate.


Next step on the mentoring journey

This is an opportunity for mentors on the Peer Mentoring Programme to build on the learning in the introductory training sessions and explore their mentoring experiences so far.

We want mentors to progress their skills in order to not only benefit their mentoring relationship, but also enhance their leadership abilities for the future.

Support and troubleshooting are key parts of this session if you are finding the mentoring experience challenging and wanting to learn from the experiences of others.

These take place on the second Friday of every month via teams and can be accessed through the Peer Mentoring Channel. If you'd like some support but cannot make these sessions, please get in touch with us.

We are also keen to hear from you how we can improve the training and support for you from Peer Mentoring Programme - email us or fill out the Check-in survey at the bottom of the page!

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: The Reflective Space

Part 3: The Mentoring Relationship

Part 4: Troubleshooting

Part 5: Expectations and Benefits

Example of a Mentoring Meeting

A simulated example of a mentoring meeting and conversation. Useful links referenced in video: What's your listening style? Podcast: Harvard Business Review Paper:

Feedback poster

Clickable link also available at the bottom of the page

Join us for our next training event - Summer CPD !

Sign up to join us on TUBS: