Programme Descriptor


Duties of the post

Working within an innovative team and in association with the Director of Medical Education, the post holders will take lead roles in supporting and developing our educational environment including: simulation based education; foundation programme development; UG educational capacity building; faculty development & staff resilience. The post holders will also be supported to enhance their understanding and practical skills aligned to clinical safety and systems improvement.

The exact format of the post will be agreed between the successful applicant and the MED team; however the following general principles will apply

40% Teaching activity which may take place in the hospital or university environments to include: Foundation, PG specialty or UG clinical placements depending on the applicant’s competence and interests.

30% Current programme support and development aligned to a clinical specialty or current training focus under the mentorship of a permanent staff member. For example clinical simulation (F1 and F2), Emergency medicine and Acute Medical Specialties, Surgical Specialties, Foundation programme development and Clinical Skills (UG & PG) development through our Mastery programme.

20% Personal Scholarship: post-holders are expected to undertake personal study in the field of medical education and to complete a Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice during their fellowship. Funding for certain course fees and expenses will be considered. With appropriate progression during the first year, a second year of fellowship may be supported allowing further advancement toward a possible Masters degree in Clinical Education. The post holders are expected to comply with formal supervisory and assessment processes in regard to both their clinical & teaching activities alongside annual appraisal aligned to GMC standards.

Personal Scholarship may take the form of some or all of these components:

  • Clinical teaching skills development through the CEP (Clinical Educator Programme)

  • Engagement with a higher degree in Clinical Education, such as Post Graduate Certificate of Academic Practice

  • There may be scope within the fellowship programme for prospective applicants interested in an extended period OOP to develop a deeper understanding of clinical education and pursue a scholarly application of that knowledge in the form of a MD. Should applicants be interested in this option they must first discuss with their TPD as to the feasibility of a 2 year OOPR option

  • Management and Leadership skills development through the Lothian Medical Leadership Academy.

  • Research and Quality Improvement skills development and activity linked to Safety and Quality improvement in Lothian

10% Clinical Development - A maximum of one day (equivalent) per fortnight will be spent in supervised & supernumerary clinical training in the CTF’s base specialty; the best use of this clinical time, relevant to the post holder skills and experience, will be agreed with the relevant training programme director; specific clinical responsibilities and timetable will be agreed with the CTF’s educational supervisor. Additional out of hours work through a commitment to regular on-call activity in evening / weekend hours may be available by agreement with Director of Medical Education and the relevant clinical directorate team but is not a prerequisite of this post.

Team Working

The post holders will be expected to establish and maintain extremely good communications and working relationships with a wide range of staff, including:

  • Entire MED team

  • Fellows in NHS and University programmes

  • Clinical Directors and Site management teams

  • Drs in training and UG student representatives


NHS Lothian is an integrated NHS Board in Scotland providing primary, community, mental health and hospital services to a population of 850,000.

  • The NHS Board determines strategy, allocates resources and provides governance across the health system.

  • These posts may be based in St Johns Hospital, Livingston; Royal Infirmary Edinburgh; Western General Hospital; or the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People.

The University of Edinburgh College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine

  • The Medical school educates 1200+ medical students (including the intercalated honours Year) and is rated highly in all areas of external benchmarking.

The Medical Education Directorate aims are to develop and implement the educational strategy for NHS Lothian, including:

  • Oversight of the quality of both postgraduate and undergraduate medical education in clinical areas of NHSL

  • Liaison with Deanery and UG medical school to ensure GMC quality standards are monitored and reported upon

  • Allocating and/or coordinating financial, logistical and event-based resources to support undergraduate and postgraduate learning

  • Maintains and assists in training of a clinical educators network through NHS Lothian at all levels

  • Integration of training into the demands of a clinical service and ensure safety of our patients through appropriate and graded supervision and support for training doctors

  • Ensure ongoing communication and collaboration with both the Postgraduate Dean and the Director of Undergraduate Learning & Teaching at University of Edinburgh Medical School to develop and innovate in relation to education delivery to postgraduate doctors in training and medical undergraduates

  • Ensure UG students of medicine are prepared for clinical practice through engagement with relevant and rewarding experiences in the clinical setting