Teaching aimed at any level: we're proud of our teaching record

Teaching Timetables at REH

Teaching at the Royal Edinburgh has streams for GP, Core and Foundation trainees. There are case conferences weekly and an additional set of special lectures with invited speakers.


Case conferences

Cases are presented by core psychiatry trainees followed by discussion.

Weekly Programme Thursdays 12:30pm to 1:30pm, usually in the Departmental Lecture Theatre in Kennedy Tower. This is also the option for those working offsite to join via Microsoft Teams.

Special Lectures

Wednesdays 4pm to 5pm.

Invited outside speakers on research topics of interest.

Lectures are in the Departmental Lecture Theatre in Kennedy Tower.

Trainee Drop-in Sessions

Weekly sessions take place on Mondays 12pm to 1pm in the Post Graduate Resource Room, Ground Floor, Andrew Duncan Clinic, Royal Edinburgh Hospital.



National Foundation Teaching Programme

The National FY2 Teaching Programme for FY2s within psychiatry takes place at the Western General Hospital.

Please note FY2 teaching at the Western General takes place on a Tuesday afternoon, once a month - four topics are delivered at each session.

WGH teaching programme

All Sessions take place in Seminar Room D25, 2nd Floor, Outpatients Department from 12:30pm to 5pm.

Local Psychiatry Specific Teaching Programme

Weekly Programme Mondays 12pm to 1pm, in the Departmental Lecture Theatre, Kennedy Tower.

Foundation Balint Group

Weekly Programme Thursdays 1:30pm to 2:30pm, in the 3rd Floor Seminar Room, Kennedy Tower.


2 year psychiatry curriculum course, 30 half days per year. Wednesday mornings, FY2 and GPSTs provide clinical cover.


Teaching is as organised by the GP Education Programme run from the Deanery.

All of the above timetables are available from your Education Coordinator and are included in your induction packs.