Preparing you for practice one step at a time
Basic Clinical Skills
In this section of the site, we have a set of videos that introduce some basic clinical skills and how to do them.
There are more skills videos and checklists than you think here, including PPE, Blood cultures, Peripheral Cannulation, ABG + Catheteristation.
Keep scrolling down the page. Enjoy!
Please contact us at for more information on help available to practice clinical skills at your hospital site
Introduction to the Basic Clinical Skills Programme
Welcome to the Basic Clinical Skills Programme. These are relevant for medical students or foundation doctors and introduce the process of performing basic clinical skills
Expected skills competencies of new FY1s
Clinical Skills: PPE
This video demonstrates how to use PPE.
Clinical Skills: Skin Preparation
This video demonstrates how to perform skin preparation for cannulation.
Clinical Skills: Venepuncture
This video demonstraes the process for performing venepuncture.
Clinical Skills: Peripheral Cannulation
Clinical Skills: Blood Cultures
This video demonstrates the process of performing blood cultures.
Clinical Skills: Arterial Blood Gas Sampling
This video demonstrates the process for performing arterial blood gas sampling.
Clinical Skills: Female Catheterisation
This video demonstrates how to perform female catheterisation
Clinical Skills: Male Catheterisation
This video demonstrates how to perform male catheterisation.
Scrub into Surgery
This video is designed to help you prepare for learning in the operating theatre with tips and tricks to optimise the theatre experience and learning by answering some frequently asked questions.