Haematology, Oncology, Palliative Care, Breast Disease WGH

Welcome to your 6 week placement in Haematology, Oncology, Palliative Care and Breast Disease. During your time, you will have many learning opportunities.

The wards you will be working on during this this placement will be Oncology Wards 3, 11, 15 and 8 at the Western General Hospital.

For Breast Surgery, you will have the opportunity to learn about breast and axillary examinations and breast tutorials across Ward 6 and the breast clinic.

First day arrangements

You will be provided with an individual timetable for the 6 week placement, detailing clinics, ward attachments and tutorials. There is an opportunity to sign up for the additional clinics and detailed information relating to this and the attachments will be included with the timetables.

If there are any problems in the first instance, please contact our module administrator Jade Adams. The contact details are jade.adams@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

(For the breast surgery placement, please attend the breast clinic).

Absence reporting

In the even you are unable to attend your shift, please email Jade Adams at jade.adams@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

If you are unable to attend the breast surgery, please contact Talha Saleem - talha.saleem@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

Name badges

If this has not already been arranged by the University, you will be given a form to obtain your ID badge, which should be taken to the Portering Services at the main entrance during the following times: Monday to Wednesday 9am to 2pm, Thursday and Friday midday to 4pm.


Module leads

The modules leads for this placement are as follows:

  • Oncology - Dr Alison Stillie - Alison.stillie@nhslothian.nhs.scot.uk

  • Haematology - Dr Neill Storrar - neill.storrar@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

  • Breast Disease - Mr Talha Saleem - talha.saleem@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

  • Palliative Medicine - Dr Barry Laird - barry.laird@ed.ac.uk

Your main contact however will be Jade Adams. lf you have any concerns, please email Jade and she will forward to the appropriate consultant.