Speak Up
Speak Up launch video
At NHS Lothian we want to promote an open, honest and responsible culture where you are encouraged and supported to speak up if you have any concerns, especially about patient safety, working conditions or wrongdoing. We want you to have confidence that you will be listened to and your concerns will be addressed through fair and objective procedures.
Encouraging feedback and open dialogue is vital for the delivery of safe, effective and compassionate care.
Examples of concerns:
- Patient care and safety
- Unsafe working environment
- Induction or training
- Response to a reported patient safety incident
- Fraud (see note below)
- Bullying culture (across a team or service)
Anyone who works (or has worked) in NHS Lothian can raise concerns. If you feel unable to contact to your line manager, supervisor or lead clinician, or your trade union representative, contact a Speak Up Advocate (link to the intranet page below) or send a confidential email to SpeakUP@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk.