ARCP guidance

ARCP guidance

Trainees are reviewed annually through the ARCP process. Nationally approved checklists are used to assess each trainee's performance and progression.


E-portfolio hints and tips

RCEM publishes national checklists for each training year to which trainees are assessed against. There are some local adaptions which trainees and trainers should be aware of. If you have any questions please speak to you Supervisor or TPD.

Clinical Supervisor

At the start of each post you should meet with your clinical supervisor. They are based in the department you are currently working in and will be the first line of supervision for the 6 or 12 month post. The clinical supervisor should complete both an 'initial meeting' and 'end of placement review' form.

Educational Supervisor

They should complete your 'structured training report' prior to your ARCP. This is they key reports which the ARCP panel will review. It should be completed after you have met with your clinical supervisor and completed all items on the ARCP checklist.

Both the trainee and educational supervisor are asked to sign the ARCP checklist and this should be uploaded to your portfolio.