Payroll and salary details


Accessing payslips

Unfortunately, we can’t offer access to payslips from home or personal devices to any staff. This is the case for all boards in Scotland as we all use the same system. It’s only possible to access self service to view your payslip etc when connected to the network/server. Our service provider doesn’t allow external access unless you are using a NHS Lothian device (laptop etc).

If an employee is on sick leave the manager should notify payroll and we will revert them to paper payslips until they return to work. All staff on maternity leave get payslips posted to their home address on a monthly basis. If you are on annual leave you won’t have access to a paper payslip so not having access to an electronic version don’t make any difference to their situation.

As I say it’s a national system (SSPS – Scottish Standard Payroll System) that is used in all boards in Scotland and we all work to the same specification so no other boards will be giving access to staff on any device not connected to the local network.

All staff should have access to a PC on site to check their payslip etc and if they don’t they need to speak to their line manager to make devices available.


May 2022 - Your Well-Being, Your Rota, Payroll & HR


Payroll information