Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition RHCYP
Welcome to your week placement in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition.
We are very keen for you to get the best educational experience out of your time in the GI team. There is a broad range of acute and chronic conditions and there are plenty of inpatient and outpatient learning opportunities. We would recommend you align yourself with the registrar who will be involved with acute admissions and GI consults.
The in-patient workload includes daily rounds of patients in Dunvegan Ward and Critical Care. In addition, there are out-patient clinics which run predominantly on Tuesdays (see timetable below). Learning opportunities include going to theatre to watch endoscopies, as well as attending out-patient clinics and MDT meetings.
You are very welcome to be involved in anything going on within the department and the more you involve yourself, the more you will get out of your time. We will try to let you know about all interesting cases and encourage you to discuss and ask questions about the children you see.
First day arrangements
Please attend the clinical offices for 8:50am to meet the team prior to morning team meeting.
The team convene in Area 2, clinical staff offices, 2nd floor, RHCYP. The GI team are based around the corner on the right (by the internal windows).
You can also get in contact with the registrar (dial 77001 - page 9434)
There are no lockers, but you can leave your bags in the desks. You are more than welcome to leave food in the fridges.
Absence reporting
In the event you are unable to attend your shift, please contact Lee Duff (GI Co-ordinator) on 0131 312 0441.
Main contact
The main contact for this placement will be: Registrar #9434 - currently David Wands but this will vary.
GI Team
The GI team run as a consultant of the week basis. Please introduce yourself to them for the week.
GI Consultants: Paul Henderson, Peter Gillet, Richard Russell, Jo Meredith, David Wilson, Victoria Merrick
GI Nurse Specialists: Catherine Paxton, Katherine Armstrong, Rhona Shepherd
GI Dieticians: Gillian Bremner, Lindsay Forsyth, Heather Grant