General Medicine SJH

Welcome to your 5 week attachment in the Senior Medicine Module. (General Internal Medicine and Medicine of the Elderly at St. John's Hospital). During your time on placement you will have the following learning opportunities:

Clinical Sessions. e.g.
- Patient Clerking and examinations (new and reviews, acute and chronic conditions)
- ward rounds with various clinicians (e.g. ANP's or Drs)
- MDT's & Family Meetings Clinical Communication & Medical Ethical + Legal Discussions + Documenting these in clinical notes
- Patient and Family Counselling e.g. smoking cessation or options for nutritional support
- Other patient assessments and care planning - multi-morbidity / frailty / cognitive / mood / falls / medicine reconcilliation / discharge letters etc.

Clinical and Procedural Skills. e.g. venesection / peripheral venous cannulation / ECG's / urethral catheterisation / medication pre-prescribing project etc.

Teaching Sessions including 'teaching ward rounds' / tutorials etc. e.g.
- Intra-departmental teachings (regular) covering a range of topics Medical / MoE / - Stroke Medicine etc. on Teams with times specified during placement
- Grand Rounds during academic year - usually Wednesday 12:30pm to 1:30pm on Teams
- other clinical tutorials as scheduled during posting; or guided by topics you'd like us to cover (we are happy to support student directed requests).


Ward Bases on SJH site

For the SJH site, your Base ward for the Senior Medicine module will be noted on the draft timetable in your handout. This can be on any of the Medical wards (Wards 9, 21, 25, MAU, EMA) or Medicine for the Elderly (Wards 8 [Frailty Unit], 14 [Ortho and General Rehabilitation] Stoke unit). There is also the Hospital at Home Service in the REACT Hub.

First day arrangements

On the first morning, you should report to the St. John's Hospital reception at 8:45am. You will be met by Beth Love and/or Dr Ali Harmouche or Dr Scott Ramsay (or another designated colleague).

You will be provided with a brief welcome and verbal induction/introduction to your placement.

If there are any problems, you call telephone 01506 523839.

A copy of your timetable and other necessary information will be emailed to you by Beth Love before your placement begins.

Name badges

If not already arranged by the University, you can obtain an ID badge request form from Beth. This should be taken to the designated area specified on the form. Photographic ID is required to enable ID badges to be issued.


Students requiring accommodation at SJH should submit an accommodation booking form to no later than 7 days prior to your arrival. Room numbers are limited and are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Keys can be collected after 2pm on the first day of placement, from the Domestic Supervisors' office, 1st floor, staff changing link corridor, next to the sewing room.

A £30 deposit is required for every key issued. This will be returned at the end of the attachment providing the accommodation has been left in a satisfactory condition. Keys must be returned no later than 10am on the day of departure.

Absence reporting

If you are unable to attend for you shift, please contact Beth on 01506 523839.


Main contacts

Site Lead Tutor / Main contacts:

  • Dr Ali Harmouche - Consultant Physician (Acute Med & GIM)

  • Beth Love - Secretary SJH (GIM) - Tel 01506 523839

  • Dr Scott Ramsay - Consultant Physician (MoE & Stroke)

  • Joyce Evans - Secretary SJH (MoE & Stroke Unit) - Tel 01506 523846