BME Staff Network


About the Network

Membership of the BME Network is primarily aimed at NHS Lothian employees from Black or Minority Ethnic backgrounds; however it is also open to any staff interested in helping to improve inclusion in NHS Lothian.

You can stay informed on the network's activities by joining our mailing list. To join the mailing list or find out more about the network please email

NHS Lothian embraces the rich diversity found in all areas of the health board. This reflects a growing diversity in the population we serve.  We are committed to eliminating discrimination and improving equality of opportunity; we know we have more work to do, and this is reflected in Corporate Objectives and associated workplans.

What does Black and Minority Ethnic mean?

Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) is the terminology normally used in the UK to describe people who are not from the majority white population. It can include people of African, Caribbean, Asian, Arab, First Nations/Indigenous (Australia/North and South America), or mixed descent, but also white minority ethnic groups such as Eastern Europeans and Gypsies, Roma and Travellers.


Our Meetings

Next wider group meeting

The Steering Group are discussing future meeting dates. These will be communicated as soon as possible.

Wider group meetings in 2024

  • TBC