Carers Network


What is a carer?

A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support. You don't have to live with your cared for person to be a carer.

Many NHS Lothian staff have a caring role supporting a family member or friend, and the Staff Carers Network has been created to give them a safe and confidential space to make connections and access support. Any member of staff who has an unpaid caring role can join the network.

If you would like to join the confidential mailing list email to receive invitations to the network meetings and notes if you cannot attend.


Upcoming Meetings

Next Meeting

Tuesday 25 February, 12.30-13.30

Our next meeting will be a peer support drop-in session. Please join us here on Teams or email for the Teams invitation.

Future meeting dates:

All meetings run 12.30-13.30 unless otherwise specified.

  • Tuesday 18 March - speaker Gail Lumsden, NHS24

  • Tuesday 27 May - peer support drop-in session

  • Tuesday 10 June - speaker Ruth Hutchison, Carers of West Lothian for Carers Week

  • Tuesday 19 August - peer support drop-in session

  • Tuesday 23 September - speaker TBC

  • Tuesday 18 November - peer support drop-in session

  • Tuesday 9 December - speaker TBC


Carer Passport

NHS Lothian launched the Carer Passport in 2023. The Carer Passport is a record of agreed actions following a conversation about the flexibility needed to combine work and care. This conversation involves balancing the needs of the employee with the needs of the organisation, using existing organisational policies.

You can find the passport and additional information on the HR Online Carer Passport page (intranet page).