Foundation Year 2 Teaching
Foundation Year 2 Teaching
The 2nd year of the Foundation Programme brings with it an expansion of the learning opportunities provided through the delivery of another 3 sets of weekly teaching sessions.
RIE: Thursdays 12:30pm to 1:30pm // SJH: Tuesdays midday to 1pm // WGH: Tuesdays 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Block 4
By November you will have had teaching on:
FY2 Deanery Induction
Common Psychiatric Conditions - depression, personality disorders and self harm
Pharmacy - Challenges of Missed Doses and high risk drugs
Haematological Emergencies
Academic Medicine and Research
Multimorbidity and polypharmacy
Recognition and Management of Common Surgical Emergencies
Airway Problems
Recognition and management of acute neurological problems
Management of patient with impaired consciousness
Managing complex cases & complex discharge planning
Quality Improvement methodology
Gynaecological Emergencies
Career Planning and Interview Practice
Sustainability in Healthcare
Mental Health - anxiety/panic
LGBTQ+ Awareness & Education
Block 5
By March you will have had teaching on:
Clinical Decision Making
Teaching and Presentation Skills
Mental Health - Eating disorders
Radiology - Abdominal Radiology
Common Paediatric Medical & Surgical Emergencies
Trauma - Major Haemorrhage & Resuscitation
Pharmacy: So what if it's not in the Formulary?
Obstetric Emergencies
Management of Chronic Pain
Common Psychiatric Conditions - Psychotic Illness & Bipolar disorder
Effective Leadership and our NHS Structure
Anticipatory Care Planning
Health Promotion & Public Health - Lifestyle Medicine
ENT Emergencies
Rheumatology overview
Block 6
By June you will have had teaching on:
Wound care & suturing
Mental Health - Somatisation disorders
Management of Chronic Neurological Problems
Radiology - Neuroradiology
Toxicology & Poisoning
Health Promotion & Public Health - Realistic Medicine
Duty of Candour, confidentiality, whistle blowing & professional boundaries
Technology & digital agenda
Non technical skills / human factors
Vascular emergencies
FY2 Teaching across sites
If you are unable to join the teaching at your own site, you are welcome to join at one of the other NHS Lothian sites.
For contact details of the Education Co-ordinators, please see the MED Team page.