Medical Leadership Academy

Providing and signposting Leadership opportunities for doctors across Lothian.


The NHS Lothian Medical Leadership Academy was set up in 2012 to provide leadership training for Clinical Development and Clinical Teaching Fellows. Since then it has expanded to include Chief Registrars and Scottish Clinical Leadership Fellows and for this coming year we’d like to expand further and offer our programme to all doctors in training, fellows, specialty doctors and early years Consultants.

We have an exciting online programme to offer, which sits beside the other Leadership development opportunities offered by NHS Lothian including regular meetings of the NHS Lothian Leadership Network, formal Leadership courses, coaching and paired learning.


MLA: Dates for your diary

For 2024-25 we are excited to be moving back to face to face meetings, you can still stay up to date via our Microsoft Team here, and book in to our events via TuBS

8th October 2024 13:00-16:00MLA: System leaders- Who, how, why?!Meet some of our board and executive team members, hear their leadership journeys and learn what inspires them to be part of NHS Lothian.Seminar room 2, MEC, WGH
14th January 2025 13:30-16:30MLA: Understanding systems- Human factors and ErgonomicsIn order to effectively improve our processes we must first understand them, and the people that work them. In this session we'll challenge you to think about how you approach improvement projects.Seminar room 2, MEC, WGH
11th March 2025 13:30-16:30MLA: Feeling heard, feeling valuedHow do we ensure that we are inclusive in our leadership and that each member of our own team, and the teams we work with, is able to speak up. How can we act quickly and effectively challenge if behaviours are not inclusive.Calton Rm, PGEC, RIE
20th May 2025 13:30-16:30MLA: Leadership stories from across our systemLeaders from across our systems will come and share their leadership journeys with you. You will gain insight in to their areas of work and also into their personal drivers for success.Seminar room 2, MEC, WGH

NHS Lothian's Leadership network

The NHS Lothian Leadership network was designed to draw together leaders from across our organisation to share stories and insights, gain support from peers and develop understanding, skills and ability in team building, staff management and system leadership.Everyone is welcome regardless of role, grade or discipline.

Meetings are held on the LOTH NHS Lothian’s Leadership Network Microsoft Team. Click on the link to request to join.



Microsoft teams:

LOTH Medical Leadership Academy for all events marked as MLA.

LOTH NHS Lothian’s Leadership Network open to all NHS Lothian staff. Home for lots of leadership resources and our monthly network meetings.


NHS Lothian Leadership Network


Clinician Development Programme framework for thinking about your leadership (and education/simulation/improvement) development and achieve Bronze-Gold level certification.