LGBT+ Staff and Allies


About the Network

Membership of the Network is primarily aimed at NHS Lothian employees who identify as LGBT+; however, those who identify as allies or have a positive interest in LGBT+ matters are also welcome to join the membership and attend associated events.

Members can choose to be kept informed via the confidential mailing list maintained by

You can follow the Network via our Twitter account: @lgbt_nhs


Upcoming Events

Quarterly Network Meetings

Our next network meeting will be an AGM on Tuesday 20 August at 5pm. We'll also be joined by Robert Aitken, Associate Director of Operations, Estates & Facilities, to talk about the Estates & Facilities Equality & Diversity Plan. You can join the meeting here or add it to your diary through the link on the Teams channel. We’re looking into a room at RIE for anyone who can attend in person. If there’s an appetite for it, we might go to a Fringe show afterwards.

Future meetings:

We'll discuss future meetings at the AGM, so these will be booked after August.

Virtual Lunchtime Social

Join us for our monthly lunchtime virtual catch-up in our Teams channel. All are welcome!

As the last few Thursday catch-ups haven't been well attended, we're switching up the days to see what works best. Here are the days for the next few months (all 12.30-13.30):

  • Monday 29 July

If you have any feedback on what day works best, let us know!

If you are keen to organise or host an event, please get in touch.

Board Game Night

We’ll be at Ancient Robot Games in Leith from 6-8pm on Friday 26 July. Ancient Robot has a small café for drinks and snacks, and they allow outside food if you want to bring or order a takeaway! There is step-free access, and the shop is all on one level with a wheelchair accessible toilet. They have a wide variety of games that we can choose from depending on how many people can make it and everyone’s level of experience with board games.

Reservations are £4 per person for the 2-hour slot. If you’re interested in attending, please email the network inbox as soon as possible!