Small group, lecture and simulation all play a part in our Foundation Induction Programme

Foundation Induction

Welcome to your new role. We know that starting out on your medical career can be both exciting and intimidating. We hope to give you a solid start with our induction programme.


Induction has several purposes- for you we hope it will help your understanding of our systems and processes, ensure you know where to find help and that you feel comfortable with your clinical environment.

For your department and our organisation induction is an essential step in our governance processes, giving confidence that we are keeping you, our wider staff group and our patients safe from avoidable harm.

Induction is a longitudinal process and your learning will continue throughout your attachments in Lothian. Our aim for your shadowing week is to give you solid foundations to support this learning. This is done through a variety of face to face and online teaching.


Workshops and clinical talks


HEPMA (Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration)

Simulation workshop (3 scenarios)

Blood Transfusion 

Hospital at Night and Communication 


Trak training 

Clinical talks

1. Thromboembolic disease

2. Diabetes management for in-patients (Guidelines)

3. IV Fluid administration and prescribing

4. Anti-Microbial prescribing and Guidelines

5. Patient Safety in NHS Lothian

6. End of Life Care (Palliative Care, Treatment Escalation Plans, Death Certification)


Doctors LearnPro

Over the course of your shadowing week you will have time to complete the mandatory corporate and clinical training modules in your Virtual Induction Passport. These modules will vary slightly between specialty posts but all include:

SES: Information Governance

Lothian: HEPMA for Prescribers

SES Induction: Public Protection

SES: Doctors Induction

Lothian: Basic Life Support (Adult)

SES: Health and Safety (3 Scenarios)

SES: Manual Handling

SES: Conflict Management (2 Scenarios)

SES: Fire Safety


Clinical skills sessions

During your shadowing week we will have timetabled drop in sessions for you to practice your clinical skills and become familiar with the kit that will be available in your clinical area.

We additionally have online resources to help with Basic Clinical Skills along with an infographic to show your expected level of competence. We will support you, through the skills sessions, to ensure you feel confident working at this level.

Departmental induction

Each department will have their own induction and many have additional online content in these 'Guide to your post' resources

During your Foundation week you will be introduced to the FYs currently in post. You should aim to spend as much time as your induction allows shadowing them and learning about the clinical environment.

Introduction to ePortfolio
FY2 Deanery Induction

Deanery FY1 Induction - Curriculum-learning-eportfolio


Additional resources

There is lots more to find on this website, and on the NHS Scotland network. Some links that may be helpful:

Personal wellbeing 

Terms and conditions [intranet link]

Maternity, New Parent Leave   


Concern Escalation (Including Whistleblowing) 

Once for Scotland Policies (Bullying and Harassment, Undermining) 

Rotas and Rota Monitoring process  

Occupational Health and Safety