Learning to Lead
For our services to achieve excellence we need leaders at all levels. This programme is designed to help you understand and develop your leadership style. Working through the programme will give you the chance to build on your current skills and develop new ones to unleash your leadership potential.
Bronze level is an introduction to leadership. You'll discover more about yourself by completing the TURAS Leadership foundation modules. The self assessment questionnaire, from Project Lift, will give you insight in to your strengths and areas for development.
Silver builds on your learning and brings it in to practice in your clinical area. You'll have the opportunity for coaching and will develop your thoughts on the next steps in your leadership pathway and development.
For Gold you will be given the opportunity to undertake 'paired learning'. Alongside a colleague from a different discipline within NHS Lothian you will work together to understand each others' roles and responsibilities and you will join forces in a joint improvement project. Self reflection and 360 degree feedback will bring you to the end of this programme. Your leadership journey will continue....
Development matrix
Getting started
Starting the Clinician Development Programme is simple.Using the resources listed below work through the Bronze section
Once you have completed all parts of the Bronze section send an email with your accompanying evidence to loth.medinduction@nhs.scot
Your Bronze level certificate will be sent to you with instructions on how to sign up for Silver and Gold levels should you wish to
Using the resources listed below work through the Bronze section
Once you have completed all parts of the Bronze section send an email with your accompanying evidence to loth.medinduction@nhs.scot
Your Bronze level certificate will be sent to you with instructions on how to sign up for Silver and Gold levels should you wish to
If you have any questions please contact the team at loth.medinduction@nhs.scot
Here is a list of resources that you might find useful
Providing and signposting Leadership opportunities for doctors across Lothian.
Download the Leadership Conversations handbook (bottom of the linked page). It will help direct conversations between you and your mentor and has lots of useful resources.
For your self assessment questionnaire and lots of great resources and events.
GMC Guidance on leadership
TED talks Leadership list
NHS Lothian Leadership and Management Development Framework (Intranet only)
There are lots of great books on Leadership and each of us will vary in our views of which are best. Here's a list of books we have learnt from and enjoyed.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Turn the Ship Around! A True Story of Turning Followers Into Leaders by L. David Marquet
Legacy by James W. Kerr
Black Box Thinking: The Surprising Truth About Success by Matthew Syed
Patients Come Second by Britt Berrett and Paul Spiegelman
If Disney Ran Your Hospital: 9 1/2 Things You Would Do ... by Fred Lee
Intelligent Kindness: Reforming the Culture of Healthcare by John Ballatt
Compassionomics: The Revolutionary Scientific Evidence ... by Anthony Mazzarelli and Stephen Trzeciak
Radical Help: How We Can Remake the Relationships Between Us and Revolutionise the Welfare State by Hilary Cottam